Dry eye

Dry eye syndrome

We take in 80% of of all information through our sight. The eyes are the main sensory organ that links us with out surroundings. The eyes are also the most exposed sensory organ, being affected by various factors of the living and working environment. When then is the right time to start taking care of your eyes? The reply is clear, any time, the sooner the better, regularly every day. Dry eye syndrome is one of the most common eye ailments today. It affects over 20% of the population, and is classed as a civilisation disease. It is characterised by reduced formation of tears or their increased evaporation from the eye surface. This means the eye surface is not cleaned by tears properly and so the cornea is less protected and dries up. Patients with this syndrome usually complain of tired eyes, of feeling like there is a foreign body or sand in the eye, irritation, itching, burning sensation, reddening, sensitivity to light, or of temporary sight disorders during the course of the day. Untreated dye eye can seriously damage your vision. When the first signs appear, you should go to the pharmacy and buy some artificial tears for the treatment of dry eye. We should always have artificial tears at hand and apply them whenever the eyes need them. There is not exact system, because for some people one drop is enough, while others might need three drops. Artificial tears lubricate the eyes and flush out any unwanted particles. They do not damage the eye and you cannot overdose on them. If problems prevail, you should visit an eye doctor. Paradoxically, dry eye syndrome can manifest as excessive tear production. This means the problem is not in the quantity of tears, but their quality. It is then best to use artificial tears, which boost all layers of the tear film (e.g. SensiVit with vitamins A and E).

Risk factors

There are many factors that can cause drying of the eyes. Computers, television screens, artificial lighting, air conditioning, contact lenses, travelling by aeroplane, smoky rooms, wind, or pollution. These problems are often attributed to ageing, hormonal changes (pregnancy, menopause), the use of medicines (anti-conception, anti-depressants, anti-histamines, diuretics) or certain illnesses (diabetes, thyroid disorders, autoimmune disorders).
It is not possible to completely eliminate the influence of these factors on the eyes, but it is at least possible to to minimise many of them, by adapting the working environment, adopting a healthy lifestyle and, of course, by taking care of your eyes daily.

TEN TIPS recommended for healthy eyes:
  1. protect your eyes with quality sunglasses
  2. have your eyes checked regularly by an eye doctor
  3. adapt your working environment and system of work
  4. blink intentionally
  5. make sure you take enough liquids
  6. avoid staying in smoky and air-conditioned places too long
  7. use an air humidifier
  8. 8. get some fresh air everyday
  9. make sure you get the necessary vitamins and minerals for your eyes
  10. use artificial tears when you feel dry eyes